The Northwest Tandem Rally 2002 was a great success. Most riders agreed that is was one of the best rallies they have attended.  It started with beautiful, warm, sunny, dry weather….and ended with beautiful, warm, sunny, dry weather.

“Thanks for a great weekend in Boise!! We had a fantastic time and especially enjoyed the wonderful weather – thanks for arranging that.” Debra and Dunny Sorensen, Eugene, Oregon

There were about 280 teams with 20 single riders and 30 kids, about 600 people attending.  The rides were great; 30, 50, and 70-mile rides throughout the Treasure Valley. The routes took the riders through downtown Boise, by many of Boise’s historic homes and into the foothills and surrounding farmland.

“I just wanted to add my thanks for a terrific weekend – you did a superb job of showing off your city.” Renda Murphy Puget Sound, Washington

There were about 50 teams that stayed for Monday’s self-directed rides.  Easy rides on the Boise Greenbelt were offered to those riders who just wanted mosey along and enjoy the greenbelt as it follows the Boise River.  About 15 of the stronger teams rode up to the Bogus Basin ski area, a 3500-ft. vertical climb. The remaining teams (those who missed the common sense booth at Charles Darwin’s first class on survival) went mountain bike tandem riding on the single-track trails in the Boise Foothills. Afterwards, the teams met for a relaxing beer and lunch at a local outdoor eatery.

Everyone was complimentary about the food. The lunches were delicious, with the choice of vegetarian, turkey or roast beef sandwiches.  The rest stops were manned by a local Boy Scout Troop, who used the rally as a service and fund raising event.  Food was plentiful. 1600 sports bars, 2100 cookies, 800 bananas, 800 oranges, and 50 pounds of incredibly tasty California figs were consumed. The riders were much faster and hungrier than anticipated.  The banquet was a sit down dinner, with the choice of vegetarian, salmon or prime rib dinners, followed by cheesecake for dessert. A trade show and antique bike show, held Sunday night before the banquet, was also a success with free beer and wine being served.

“Thanks for all the hard work that paid off in a great rally.  We enjoyed the weekend and also enjoyed spending time in Boise.  What a cycling community! We loved the Bogus Basin ride especially.  The food served at the banquet was excellent.”  Karen and John Poole Salem, Oregon

Many participants expressed a need for a social gathering, prompting the organizers to host an ice cream social at one of Boise’s city parks located along the Boise River. Coffee was provided by a local coffeehouse and the Treasure Valley ShowTime Chorus served ice cream.  The ice cream social provided great opportunities to meet, chat, and renew ties with old acquaintances.

Great awards and door prizes were given away following the banquet.  The couple travelling the farthest from Saudi Arabia received two camelback water packs for their training rides in the desert when they return. Great door prizes were donated by the sponsors and purchased by the organizing committee.  Door prizes included two round trip airline tickets, a bike rack, a set of panniers, a bike repair stand, 6 floor pumps, Shimano STI shifters, gift certificates, and many more cycling related gifts.

Fun was had by all.  We’ll see you in Eugene, Oregon next year.

We would like to extend our sincere thanks for those of you that participated and all the sponsors that supported the rally.

The NWTR 2002 Organizing Committee