Pedalin’ the Palouse, Spokane, WA
July 1-4, 2011

2011 startTandem riding at its best over rolling hills, scenic byways and wheat fields south of Spokane, WA. We went through historic  communities such as Cheney, Spangle and Waverly… agricultural communities that date back more than a century. With oceans of green rolling hills and quilted farmlands, these hills have hosted the routes of Native Americans, pioneers and settlers. This land has a rich history to share.  A side trip up Steptoe Butte (3600 ft. peak) with fantastic views and unique terrain was there for the ambitious.

We celebrated the 4th of July at Riverfront Park with two days of holiday music, food and a grand fire-works display in downtown Spokane.


Saturday, July 2
Medical Lake-Airway Heights Short Ride (35 Mile)
Cheney-Medical Lake Medium Ride (54 Mile)
Cheney-Williams Lake Long Ride (84 Mile)

Sunday, July 3
Fish Lake Trail Super Short Ride (21 Mile)
Fish Lake Short Ride (35.87 miles)
Cheney Medium Ride (55.8 miles)
Plaza Loop Medium-Long Ride (74 miles)
Waverly Long Ride (91.69 miles)